My new game, which I haven’t announced yet, is potentially awesome. The team I have also not yet introduced. But we are still very early in development and are only a skeletal crew… Whether this game is interesting and playable, we won’t be able to discern, until I can devise some basic art for the cells, molecules and bacteria.
Today’s lesson was not to get discouraged when things look really crappy in your first 2 attempts! Last week my experiment looked great on the lap top and horrible on the phone. Hmmm.. who would have thought there would be such a difference? haha (*sarcasm*)
Last week I had 4 molecules on each bacteria and now I only have 2 molecules on each. (Blue rectangles and orange triangles represent the molecules.) I want to give the player the impression that there are many molecules on the bacteria, so I was trying to cram on as many as possible. I think the interesting thing is that on the tiny phone screen 2 molecules looks like a lot. It actually feels to me like the 4 molecules versions do on my big screen. I was not expecting this, but I think since the phone is so darn small, they fact that I make the effort to draw any detail on a game object, the object seems important. And two identical things seems like a lot of things at that small level.
Anyway, that is my brief, unskilled explanation of my game design learning for today. I have to create another receptor (for TNF, for those scientists paying attention) and then I will not sleep tonight until I have this new “art” in place and several levels designed and playable on my phone!