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Daily blog all about the Nitty and the Gritty bits.

MoleculAr JIg BLOg

Hello biology game fans,

I am trying to blog more often. Pardon me if this is boring. Honestly, I have so much going on right now, there is no way this could be boring!!

First of all, Strategic Repair Protocol is coming along! We have a first build.

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Posted in Biology, Chemistry, Development Blog, Game Design and Development, Newsletter

Hey! We are on Patreon! We are building NanoCrasherVR!

It is finally official.  I have a little team, we are working on the little game called NanoCrasherVR, and we are so committed that we started the Patreon page!  I will be blogging more than twice each month and about our game dev progress, and once or twice a month and about game design/proteins/science communication…

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Posted in Development Blog, Game Design and Development

Game Design Realities

I’m designing a game about digestion. I have a pad of paper with details like how much glucose is in a gummi bear, how fast the glucose gets absorbed into the blood stream, where the player can place glucose receptors and how much they should cost… But I also have a pad of paper with blogging topics,

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Posted in Development Blog, Game Design and Development

A Fun Day’s Work

My new game, which I haven’t announced yet, is potentially awesome. The team I have also not yet introduced. But we are still very early in development and are only a skeletal crew… Whether this game is interesting and playable, we won’t be able to discern, until I can devise some basic art for the cells,

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Posted in Biology, Chemistry, Development Blog, Game Design and Development

How do people do this?

World famous indie game developer snaps open her laptop and happily types away, creating another engaging, informative blog post for her adoring fans.

Exactly.  Not.

What kind of crazy person decided not only to try to make a video game on the weekends/evenings but also promises frequent blog posts?

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Posted in Development Blog, Game Design and Development

Footnote to tomorrow’s post

* “Really, are you the first cell biology strategy game?” you ask. We do our best to keep up with other science games. Because we love science and we love games. You can search for “cell biology” games at our lovely site My favorite example of a cell biology game is CellCraft.

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Posted in Development Blog, Game Design and Development, General

How to use antibodies in a video game

I am making a game based on reality. The hardest part is that I keep needing to check on my understanding of reality.  I mean, I remember that antibodies can cause viruses to aggregate.  I am 100% positive that aggregation occurs, but is this mechanism actually a significant player in the war against virus in your body?  

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Posted in Development Blog

Antibodies and Random Motion

(Delayed post from Friday. Seems the posts from my phone aren’t working!)

Tonight is quiet, still sick, slept most of the day. But tomorrow eve – Sunday we have game design planned. So there will be more to tell you.  Here are some questions we are considering.

How big should we draw molecules?

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Posted in Development Blog

Second day

Back again at the coffeeshop after work. Deciding to work 2.5 hours after work means that I leave my house at 8am and get home at 8pm. But after making this decision I have been super happy. Additionally, I don’t regret, yet, telling all you that I plan to get this game done by MAGFest ’18.  

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Posted in Development Blog

Monday after work

Game development.  Yes, we are still doing it. Today, I am looking at the charts I have spent the past 4 weeks on: balancing inflammation damage and energy gains.  Each cell type does damage to the surrounding tissue as it kills pathogens.  Each pathogen provides energy as it melts away in its pool of acid,

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Posted in Development Blog

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