Part Two: Integrating the design of a game into your lessons/Using video game design to get your students to interact and learn great amounts from a local scientist.
1. Choose a topic you wish to address.
Taking best advantage of Learning Technologies.
Part Two: Integrating the design of a game into your lessons/Using video game design to get your students to interact and learn great amounts from a local scientist.
1. Choose a topic you wish to address.
Our new game is a two dimensional strategy game called Immune Defense. Seven kinds of white bloods cells can be bought and deployed in the never-ending, always-escalating war against 15 viral and bacterial pathogens.
Part 1 of Immune Defense to be released February 1,
Hi. Do you have a kid at home who is 8? Or are you a kid who is 8? Perhaps you are a kid who is 14, or 34. What would you like to do when you grow up? Would you like to help the environment, work for major league baseball,
And go get this free download.
Parents no longer have an excuse not to know what is up with video games these days. Parents and teachers can also see what GOOD things video games can do!
Seriously, stop reading this and go get the download.
What does a scientist look like? See above.
The National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) had a big Science Rocks event at their annual meeting last week. A few of us lucky scientist types were invited to represent how cool being a scientist can be!
Cindy Hasselbring (Albert Einstein Distinguished Educator Fellow &
If you are a new science teacher, you can apply to the New York Academy of Science for a summer academy designed just for you.
A friend said to me,
“I am trying to make a video game to create interest in engineering. Someone told me Spore taught a lot about evolution. What do you think?”
I did play Spore and I was very disappointed. I was angry, actually, because the things that are so cool about evolution were not present.
Dear Melanie,
Our school has a filter which blocks the Immune Attack download site. Could you perhaps send the game an email attachment?
aka, teacher at a K-12 school anywhere in the US
Dear Karl,
Yes, I am familiar with that arch enemy of educational software progrIt does fit on a CD.
Dear Faithful Blog Readers. I need your help! Immune Attack the video game is best played with a mouse, but many schools have laptops with trackpads. Do you have an old two-button mouse laying around? If you send it to me, I’ll put it to good use! I’ll give it to teachers who are evaluating Immune Attack and don’t have mice for their laptops.